Wellhealthorganic.com how detox water works in reducing weight 2024

How detox water works in reducing weight

Detox water – Detox water is a natural and healthy drink that can help in losing weight. It fills water with various elements that are helpful in keeping your body clean and healthy.

Wellhealthorganic.com how detox water works in reducing weight
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Today’s lifestyle has become such that most of the people have problems like weight gain, deteriorating daily routine, junk food, bad environment etc.
To make the water more tasty and healthy, detox water is made by mixing different types of vegetables and fruits, this water removes the dirt from the body.
Your body’s cells must be constantly repaired to function optimally and break down nutrients for your body to use as energy. This water reduces the deficiency of nutrients in the body and weight also remains controlled.

A better way to cleanse the body is to infuse some water with freshly squeezed lemon and mint. One of the major benefits of drinking lemon water is that it aids in weight loss and gives natural electrolytes to your body.

Some of the main uses of detox water can be as follows:

  1. Removal of toxins: Elements found in detox water such as lemon, coconut water, cucumber, celery, etc. help in removing the toxins from the body. It cleans the inside of your body and helps in keeping the skin, respiratory system and digestive system healthy.
  2. Limiting extra calories: Detox water does not contain any extra calories which keeps your diet balanced. This helps in improving your eating habits in your diet and helps in reducing your weight.
  3. Increases hydration: Detox water keeps the body more hydrated, which helps keep your metabolism active. This is important for fat loss because good metabolism enhances fat processing.

How to make this detox drink

It is very easy to make, you can make it at home, it will be cheaper than the beverages available in the market, to make it, you have to make a mixture of any fruit or vegetable, cut it into thin pieces and put it in a bowl. have to give. Then fill it with water and keep it for at least 7-8 hours. By doing this, all the vitamins and nutrients of the fruit get mixed well in the water, due to which you get all its benefits.

Following are some simple detox water recipes:

1. Lemon and Mint:


  • 1 lemon, chopped
  • some mint leaves
  • 1 glass water


  1. Take water in a big bowl.
  2. Add lemon slices and mint leaves to water.
  3. Mix all the ingredients well.
  4. Let it cool for at least 1-2 hours.
  5. After cooling, it is ready to drink.

You can prepare it in a variety of ways on a daily basis or with other favorite fruits, vegetables, or herbs. It helps keep your body healthy and balanced and can also be helpful for losing weight. Keep in mind that the benefits of detox water can be obtained only by drinking it regularly.

2. Coconut Water and Cucumber:


  • 1 coconut water
  • 1/2 cucumber, cut into thin long pieces
  • some mint leaves
  • A little black salt (optional)


  1. Take coconut water in a big bowl.
  2. Add chopped cucumber pieces to coconut water.
  3. Add some mint leaves and black salt (optional).
  4. Mix all the ingredients well.
  5. Let it cool and then it is ready to drink.

3. Strawberry and Mint:


  • 5-6 strawberries, chopped
  • some mint leaves
  • 1 glass water


  1. Take water in a cup.
  2. Add chopped strawberries and mint leaves to water.
  3. Mix all the ingredients well.
  4. Let it cool for a few hours.
  5. After cooling, it is ready to drink.

4. Cumin-coriander water:


  • 1 glass water
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds


  1. Lightly roast cumin and coriander seeds in a pan, so that their aroma comes out.
  2. Then put them in a glass of water.
  3. Mix all the ingredients well and cook till it boils.
  4. After boiling, let it cool and then the chankar is ready to drink.

5. Fresh Orange Water:


  • 1 orange, peeled and chopped
  • 1 glass water
  • A little black salt (optional)


  1. Take water in a big bowl.
  2. Put the orange piece in water.
  3. Add some black salt (optional).
  4. Mix all the ingredients well and let it cool.
  5. Then it is ready to drink.

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6. Grape and Mint Water:


  • 1 cup grapes
  • some mint leaves
  • 1 glass water


  1. Take water in a big bowl.
  2. Add washed and chopped grapes.
  3. Add some mint leaves.
  4. Mix everything well and let it cool.
  5. After cooling, it is ready to drink.

7. Lemon and Cumin water:


  • 1 glass water
  • 1/2 lemon, chopped
  • 1/2 tsp cumin


  1. Take water in a cup.
  2. Add chopped lemon and cumin seeds.
  3. Mix everything well and let it cool.
  4. After cooling, the chankar is ready to drink.

How many types of detox water can you make:

  1. Watermelon, Strawberry, Mint Water
  2. Strawberry and Basil
  3. Honey, lemon water
  4. Lemon and Mint
  5. Lemon and Ginger
  6. Lemon and Red Pepper
  7. Lemon and lime
  8. Lemon and orange
  9. Cucumber, Lemon, Mint Water
  10. Apple, Cinnamon, Lemonade
  11. Kiwi, Strawberry, Mint Water
  12. Cucumber and Mint
  13. Blackberry and Orange
  14. Watermelon and Mint
  15. Grapes and Rosemary
  16. Apple and Cinnamon

Benefits of Drinking Detox Water:

Body Cleansing: The natural ingredients included in detox water help in ridding your body of toxins and trivikramas, thereby maintaining the cleanliness of the body.

Hydration: This water helps in keeping the body hydrated, which promotes skin health and makes it glow.

Weight Control: Detox water has low calories and reduces appetite, thereby helping in weight loss.

Improves digestion: The ingredients found in some detox water recipes improve digestion and maintain good digestion process.

Supply of vitamins and minerals: Fruits, vegetables and other ingredients included in detox water provide you with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are important for the body.

Refreshment and reduction of stress: Consuming detox water keeps your mind calm and stress-free, which is beneficial for your mental health.


What is detox water?

Detox water is made by infusing various natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and especially natural molecules into water. It helps rid your body of toxins and supplies various natural minerals.

How does detox water work?

Detox water helps in removing the toxic substances from the body. Along with this, this water also helps in keeping the body hydrated which is important in the path of weight loss.

What is the right way to make detox water?

To make detox water, you can add various fruits, vegetables, and herbs to water and get its benefits. You can cool the water and drink it with proper technique.

How does detox water help in losing weight?

Consuming detox water increases your metabolism, which improves your body’s fat process and helps you lose weight.

What are the benefits of detox water?

The benefits of detox water include physical cleansing, hydration, weight control, improved digestion, and supply of vitamins and minerals. It helps in keeping your body healthy and fit.

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