Wellhealthorganic.com : Ayurveda Dinner | wellhealth ayurvedic health tips 2024

Wellhealthorganic.com : Ayurveda Dinner

Wellhealthorganic.com: Ayurveda Dinner | wellhealth ayurvedic health tips Ayurveda advises to eat these healthy foods for dinner to stay healthy

It is very important to include right food items in dinner. What you eat at night can help keep you healthy. And can cause weight gain and other health problems.

Dinner can have a direct impact on your mind and body. It is not just what you eat that matters but also the timing which ensures your body to function properly.

Dieticians call breakfast the most important meal of the day. This is your first meal of the day after a gap of 6-8 hours after dinner. However, other meals like lunch and dinner are also important and should not be skipped. More importantly, giving up any of these foods will not help you lose weight, as is commonly believed.

Ayurveda tells us to be careful about what we eat at night. It is the last meal of the day, and it is important that it is consumed at the right time and low-fat and easily digestible foods that are low in calories.

This is because kapha dominates at the end of the day – and the food you eat should balance kapha and not aggravate it. Continue reading to know what to eat at night.

What is Kapha dosha?

Kapha dosha is an important condition located in the schedule of Indian Ayurvedic medicine. In Ayurveda, it is believed that there are three major doshas in our body – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These three doshas are responsible for keeping our physical and mental health balanced.

Kapha dosha is considered to be associated with water, earth, and slightly aquatic qualities. This dosha is associated with stability, coolness, thickening, cooling qualities, aqueousness, and viscosity. If Kapha dosha is not balanced in physical and mental health, it can cause problems such as weight gain, irritation, cold, sore throat, sleep problems, mild insomnia, frequent fatigue, depression, anxiety, and paralysis. Can be made.

Ayurveda prescribes medically tailored diet, exercise, meditation, and medicines based on a person’s natural tendencies and physical structure. To balance Kapha dosha, proper diet, exercise, and natural remedies are used.

Foods that increase Kapha dosha

Many Indian diets contain foods that can increase Kapha dosha. Food items that aggravate Kapha dosha mainly include fried, overly spicy, sweet, use of sesame oil, deep and spicy food items, excess amount of oil or ghee, butter, ghee, nuts, meat etc. Are there.

Here is a list of some Kapha dosha enhancing foods:

  • Fried foods: Fried foods like pakoras, samosas, pakoras etc. can aggravate Kapha dosha.
  • Sweets: Eating sweets in excess can also increase Kapha dosha.
  • Sesame oil: Sesame oil can also aggravate Kapha dosha.
  • Excessive spicy and spicy foods: Excessive spicy foods can also aggravate Kapha dosha.
  • Excessive amount of oil or ghee: Consuming excessive amount of oil or ghee can also increase Kapha dosha.
  • Butter and Ghee: Excessive consumption of butter and ghee can also aggravate Kapha dosha.
  • Deep and Spicy Food: Deep and spicy food items like Indian curry, paneer sabzi, barfi, gulab jamun etc. can also aggravate Kapha dosha.
  • Meat: Consuming excessive amounts of meat can also aggravate Kapha dosha.

Consuming them in excess at night can cause imbalance in the body and lead to complications such as:

  • gaining weight
  • cough and cold
  • feeling of vomiting
  • Indigestion
  • Excessive salivation in the morning
  • Allergies

Ultimately, wrong eating habits can lead to the formation and accumulation of toxins in the body, which can lead to many health complications.

If you are suffering from any of the above complications, now is the time to start taking proper care of yourself. Sometimes, a slight adjustment in your dietary pattern can cure or improve most of these conditions. So, the next question arises that what kind of adjustments can improve your health.

Know Ayurvedic tips to eat healthy at night

Eat healthy and low-carb foods at night

This is mainly because low-carb foods are easily digested. Eating a heavy meal at night will disturb your sleep and you may feel light-headed the next day.

Following are some tips for eating healthy and low-carb foods at night:

  • Vegetables: Use vegetables in dinner. Include a variety of vegetables like spinach, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, brinjal, capsicum, zucchini, etc.
  • Pulses: Pulses are a source of low carbohydrates and high protein. Consume any pulses like moong, tur, gram, lentils etc.
  • Other protein rich foods: Eat protein rich foods like curd, cheese, fish, eggs, tofu, soya etc. in dinner.
  • Salad: Eat light salads. It is cool, refreshing and has low carbohydrates.
  • Upma: Upma made from semolina or rava can be a low carbohydrate and healthy option.
  • Tandoori Items: Tandoori Chicken, Tandoori Paneer, Tandoori Vegetables etc. are also low carbohydrate and healthy foods.
  • Soup: Light and tasty soup can also be a good option for dinner.
  • Coconut water: Drink coconut water with dinner. It will cool you down and keep you hydrated.

Drink buttermilk instead of curd

Buttermilk is an Indian wholesome and natural beverage, which has fewer calories and less fat compared with curd. Buttermilk is a good source of various nutrients and is also often used to cool down in summers.

Buttermilk contains beneficial probiotics and many other nutrients that aid digestion and help keep you balanced. It provides energy to your body and satisfies your last meal, keeping you from feeling hungry long after you eat.

To make buttermilk healthy, avoid using sugar or sweets and mix it naturally. You can also drink it with salt, black pepper, cumin, mint leaves, coriander leaves etc., which makes it tasty and improves digestion.

Buttermilk can be consumed as an important part of your balanced diet, especially when you drink buttermilk instead of curd at dinner. This can be beneficial for your health and help you make dinner lighter.

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Ayurveda suggests keeping dinner light

According to Ayurveda, dinner should be light. This is important because the digestive system is weak at night and it takes more time to digest food. Eating too much food can overburden the digestive system and cause sleep problems, such as depression, stomach pain, and other problems.

Therefore, eat light and digestion enhancing foods in dinner. Following are some Ayurvedic suggestions:

  • Vegetables: Eat lightly cooked vegetables such as bottle gourd, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, and a variety of salads.
  • Pulses: Consume light and digestive pulses, such as moong, lentils, pigeon pea, and tur etc.
  • Bread: Eat light breads made from other grains, such as wheat, millet, barley, and ragi.
  • Fresh fruits: Eat fresh fruits at dinner, such as apples, oranges, pears, and other fruits.
  • Buttermilk or Chaas: Consume buttermilk or chaas which is light and improves digestion power.
  • Light foods: Reduce the use of spicy and fried foods in dinner.
  • Curd: Do not consume curd in large quantities, but you can consume lightly cooked curd.

Include more protein-rich foods at night

By including protein-rich foods in your dinner, you do not feel hungry throughout the night and maintain a balanced energy level. It also helps build your muscles and provides your body with nutrients during the night. You can include the following protein-rich foods in your dinner:

  • Fish: Include sea fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and winter fish.
  • Egg: Eat eggs by mixing them with semolina or vegetarian vegetables or make scrambled eggs and eat them.
  • Curd: Consume protein-rich curd with your meal, which provides you jaggery along with protein.
  • Paneer: Add paneer to vegetables or eat it in the form of Tandoori Paneer or Paneer Tikka.
  • Soy products: Soy products such as soya beans, soya chunks, soya sweet, and soya milk are also good sources of protein.
  • Pulses: Include pulses in your dinner, such as moong, toor, gram, and lentils.
  • Tofu: Eat tofu by preparing it with vegetables or toasting it.

Reduce sugar intake and more honey

You can make your diet healthy by reducing sugar intake and consuming more honey. Sugar contains high amounts of sugar (saccharose), while honey is a natural sweetener that comes with many nutrients.

Here are some reasons why you might want to reduce your sugar intake and consume more honey:

  • Health Safety: Sugar contains high amounts of sugar, which can increase blood sugar levels if consumed in excess. On the contrary, consuming honey can help in controlling blood sugar.
  • Naturalness: Honey is a natural sweetener that comes with many nutrients, such as antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.
  • Heart Health: Honey contains natural antioxidants that can improve heart health. Excessive sugar consumption can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart problems.
  • Weight loss: Honey is low in calories and comes with more nutrients than sugar, so it can be suitable for losing weight.

If you want to consume more honey, then note that it should also be consumed in moderation. Consuming honey in excessive amounts can also be harmful.

The rule that you should follow while eating dinner is to ensure that whatever you eat should not leave you with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Instead, your stomach should feel light so that you can sleep properly.

So as you see from above, there is a high possibility that eating at night can make you fat. With barely enough physical activity at night, your body requires very little energy at night. And excess food, instead of being converted into energy, is stored as fat leading to obesity or weight gain. Along with ancient Ayurvedic knowledge, modern science also suggests eating light food at night. Making a habit of eating early and light at night will improve your metabolism and you will feel light and healthy.


Some important FAQs to stay healthy by eating healthy food in Ayurveda

What to eat for dinner?

Eat light, digestive power enhancing and nutritious food in dinner. Include vegetables, pulses, other protein-rich foods, and fruits.

Which foods should not be eaten at dinner?

Reduce the intake of excessive fried food, spicy or spicy food, junk food, foods containing excess sugar and refined flour.

Can we eat fresh fruits?

Yes, you can consume fresh fruits in dinner. They are rich in nutrients and aid digestion.

Which type to choose between pulses and vegetables?

Include pulses and vegetables like moong, lentils, toor, gram, and natural and healthy ingredients like spinach, cabbage, gourd, tomato, and capsicum.

What should not be done after dinner?

Avoid sleeping immediately after meals. Walk or sit for some time after meals, and do not eat too much fried, spicy, and spicy food.

How many times a day should you eat?

Eat between 3 to 4 meals a day according to the person’s physical activities and nutritional needs. Maintain proper time gap between meals.

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