Natural Pain Relief: Know these 5 foods present in your home which are natural pain relievers

Natural Pain Relief: Home Remedies wellhealthorganic

We all experience some kind of pain in our body on a daily basis. Be it acute toothache, joint pain or headache, all of them provide discomfort and sometimes even make it difficult to get through the day. At such times, our normal reaction is to pop a pill. Sure, this gives us instant relief, but we should not completely depend on medicines, as they can do more harm than good. So, how do we deal with these uncomfortable pains that we experience in our daily lives?

You will be surprised to know that there are many foods that can help in relieving different types of pain. They may not give you instant relief like medicine, but they definitely make for a healthier and more natural alternative, which is beneficial in the long run. In this article, we have compiled a list of five such common foods that will act as natural pain relievers and can do wonders for your healing journey.

5 Common Foods That Help Fight Pain Naturally:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric (Haldi) is considered a ‘wonder spice’. Apart from adding the distinctive yellow color to food, it offers many health-benefiting properties. Whenever you got injured, your elders might have advised you to use turmeric in some way or the other. Have you ever wondered why? This is because this spice has anti-inflammatory properties and works especially well in relieving joint pain.

Turmeric contains a key active ingredient called curcumin, which is rich in anti-inflammatory (works to control the production of prostaglandins) and antioxidant (frees cells that can cause pain) properties. Taking turmeric with warm milk or adding it to food can help reduce pain and swelling.

Following are some important health benefits of turmeric:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Curcumin present in turmeric can help reduce pain and swelling due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Antioxidant Properties: The antioxidants contained in turmeric may improve cardiovascular health and provide defense against various diseases.
  • Antiviral properties: Turmeric can help fight against many types of viruses, thereby strengthening your body’s immune system.
  • Control of Diabetes: Curcumin present in turmeric has been shown in studies to help reduce blood sugar levels and control diabetes.
  • Relief in respiratory problems: Turmeric can be used in treating respiratory problems like cough, cold, and difficulty in breathing.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a versatile ingredient known for its many health benefits, including its ability to relieve pain. It contains a compound called allicin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of garlic may help reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Garlic contains an element called allicin, which along with anti-inflammatory properties helps in reducing pain. Garlic can be used by adding it to soup, salad, or common food.

Following are some important health benefits of garlic:

  • Helps in controlling diabetes: An element called allicin present in garlic can help in controlling diabetes and can be helpful in reducing blood sugar levels.
  • Heart health: The allicin and sulfur compounds present in garlic may help improve heart health, such as controlling blood pressure and reducing the chance of heart diseases.
  • Antiviral Properties: Garlic has antibacterial properties that can help fight against various types of infections.
  • Improves digestion: Consuming garlic can improve digestion and reduce stomach related problems, such as gas and acidity.
  • Fighting Cancer: The medicinal elements present in garlic may be helpful in fighting against cancer, especially against stomach, colon, and prostate cancer.

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3. Ginger

Another common spice that we use daily is ginger. Like turmeric, it is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve pain naturally. Ginger has been shown to be effective in curing muscle pain, soreness and intense headache. So, make yourself a cup of ginger tea and say goodbye to pain. This is a great natural pain relief.

Ginger contains medicinal elements called zingiberol and shogaol, which have anti-inflammatory properties as well as control pain well. Its benefits can be availed by fresh ginger juice, ginger tea, or adding ginger to food.

Some important health benefits of ginger include:

  • Enhances digestion: The medicinal elements found in ginger can improve digestion, and optimize the process of digesting food.
  • Reduces gas and acidity: Ginger can help reduce gas, acidity, and stomach inflammation.
  • Pain Relief: Gingerols and shogaol present in ginger may help with pain relief, especially muscle pain and knee pain.
  • Relief in respiratory problems: Ginger can provide relief in cough, cold, and cough.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: The elements present in ginger can help reduce pain and inflammation, and strengthen the body due to the antioxidants it contains.

You can use ginger in food, such as by mixing it in tea, vegetables and pulses, or you can use it by extracting its juice. You can also take ginger powder with food.

4. Peppermint 

We all love the refreshing scent of mint, right? We find it so refreshing because it has medicinal properties. Which means it helps calm our mind and can provide relief from headaches. Mixing it in tea is also a great way to get its benefits. Sipping the tea. Additionally, mint can also be great for providing relief from toothache and muscle pain.

Mint is a plant whose leaves are tasty and aromatic, and it is used to add flavor to food, and it also has health benefits. It is also cooling in summers and due to its refreshing taste, it is commonly used in tea, water, chutney, soup, salad etc.

Following are some important health benefits of mint:

  • Improves digestion: Menthol found in mint can help improve digestion and soothe the intestines.
  • Antiviral properties: The antioxidants and antibacterial properties present in mint can be helpful in fighting against viruses.
  • Relief from respiratory problems: Inhaling peppermint smoke can provide relief from respiratory problems, such as difficulty breathing, cough, and cold.
  • Refreshing the brain: Use of mint can help in giving freshness and agility to the brain.

Mint can generally be consumed fresh, dry, or in the form of its juice. Drinking it as tea is also a good way.

5. Clove

If you are struggling with toothache or gum-related problems, clove is your savior! Cloves contain an element called eugenol which helps in reducing toothache naturally. This is why you’ll also find cloves as a common ingredient in many toothpastes. You can also cut some cloves to get relief from toothache. Trust us, these little black colored buds will become your favorite at times like these. This is a great natural pain relief.

Clove is a medicinal spice that is often used in Indian food, but it also has health benefits. Cloves contain chlorophyll, antioxidants, and other plant compounds that are beneficial for health.

Here are some health benefits of cloves:

  • Pain Relief: Cloveols found in cloves are a type of antioxidants that can help reduce pain. It can also be used in toothache or brain pain.
  • Internal Health: Antioxidants and other protective elements found in cloves can help maintain internal health.
  • Helpful in pneumonia: Some elements present in cloves can be helpful in diseases like pneumonia.
  • Relieving respiratory problems: Consuming clove smoke can provide relief from respiratory problems.

Cloves can be added to food or tea as per taste. It is also important to remember that everyone’s physical reaction is different, so it is best to seek medical advice before using it for health benefits.


What are natural pain relieving foods?

Natural pain relieving foods are things that contain compounds with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which help reduce pain without the need for medication. Some examples include garlic, ginger, turmeric, and mint.

How do these foods provide natural pain relief?

These foods contain active compounds like allicin in garlic, gingerol in ginger, curcumin in turmeric, and menthol in mint, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, reducing pain and discomfort.

Can natural pain relieving foods replace medication?

While natural pain-relieving foods can provide relief from mild to moderate pain, they may not be as effective as medication for severe pain. It is important to consult a health care professional to determine the appropriate treatment plan for your specific situation.

How should I include these foods in my diet for pain relief?

You can incorporate these foods into your diet, such as using garlic and ginger in cooking, adding turmeric to soups or smoothies, and adding mint leaves to salads or beverages.

Are there any side effects or precautions to consider when using natural pain relieving foods?

Although these foods are generally safe when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet, some individuals may experience allergic reactions or digestive discomfort. Additionally, certain foods like turmeric may interact with medications, so it is important to consult a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Are there any specific conditions or types of pain for which natural pain relief foods are particularly effective?

Natural pain relieving foods are often effective for inflammatory conditions like arthritis, muscle pain, headaches and menstrual cramps. However, their effectiveness may vary depending on individual factors, so it is essential to monitor your symptoms and consult a health care professional for personalized advice.

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